Physical literacy and
group coaching techniques
As many of you embark into the
practical world of working with clients, you will most likely be tossed into
either group classes/boot camps or team settings as an instructor or helper. Working with a group dynamic is a far cry
from working with individuals or smaller groups. Sessions will quite often end up being a
mixture of triage with performance work.
This industry is far from practical and we can only do what is best
given our current situation. The ability
to adapt and have foresight is imperative.
The collection of thoughts below are some of the issues I
have encountered over the years and I hope that by sharing them with you today
you will be able to bypass some of the mistakes I have made.
What is the audience’s perception of you and
what is your perception of the audience?
What is the physical and training age of the
group you will be working with? Quite
often it can be a mix of young and old, experienced and novice yet the
expectations on the coach are still very high for a session to run perfectly.
Do you
have a clear understanding of generation gaps?
How much space do you have and what equipment do
you have access to
Are you indoors or outside? If outside are you prepared for the elements
both physically yourself and for how it may change your session?
Is the person contracting you out going to be
there? Quite often the logistics are in
the hands of someone that has no clue as to what you will be doing with the
group. If they are going to be on hand
are they willing to help out and learn with the group?
If you will be doing programs for your
groups/team what are the limitations you will face when unable to be present
when they are working on their own?
What are the barriers you may face when dealing
with past traditions?
particular order)
Your message is clear, concise and consistent. The entire group should understand your
message regardless of age, skill or experience. If they do not, chances are you
are the one that is unclear of the message
COACH and OBSERVE. Standing on the outskirts with your arms
crossed barking orders is not coaching. If
working with a group doesn’t exhaust you chances are you are doing it wrong
Disguise repetition. We all have a clear
understanding of adaptation, but in the private industry we have far more to
consider. This is a terrible part of
being a contractor for a team, but at the end of the day, your sessions must
have an impact on the group and be memorable
Do not put other coaches, philosophies or
specific techniques, movements or skills on a pedestal. Your situation is always unique, like the
group you are working with. Ask yourself
“why” for everything and if you don’t have an intelligent answer you shouldn’t
be doing it
Keep things as simple as possible. Your audience doesn’t care about the stretch
shortening cycle, but if you have to incorporate it as a point, you best know
it like the back of your hand. Always
keep your message clear and void of any potential confusion
Instruction time for movements or new skills
should be kept to a minimum. This does
not mean withhold information, it means the longer you talk, the less likely
people are listening (age specific). Learning
a skill is a long process, I like to break it up as needed and use the demo,
drill, demo, drill technique until I am happy with the result
Every instruction session is a learning tool for
the coach. Rarely do things run smoothly
and you can bet that a new issue you have not seen before will arise. Your ability to learn from those issues are
what make you a better coach (every time you speak, you should be the one
gaining the most benefit)
Exude confidence, not arrogance. The second you show uncertainty is the second
you lose the attention of the group. The
same can be said about arrogance
through influence is infinitely more effective than leading through authority!
True power comes from influencing others to do something because they want to
do it
Surround yourself with as many coaches as you
can. Not just within your profession,
coaches are coaches and will all have some useful tidbits you can use
Great coaches take a little from everyone and
make it their own. Once you grasp the concept that very little is “new” in this
profession, you will be on the right path
Your understanding of progressions and
regressions must go beyond knowledge of different exercises. When and why to change or modify on the fly
is a skill
Understanding the common dysfunctions of a
group before you start will put you one step ahead of your clientele.
Boot camps, bariatric, youth, throwing, aquatic,
contact, multi-directional, skating, jumping, snow (uni or bi-lateral), age,
ability, surroundings, prior coaching etc.
It is also important to understand the common movement
errors for your exercise prescription well in advance to your session. The easiest way to understand movement is to
observe movement….ALWAYS
Progressions should not be forced
Have empathy.
This seems quite simple yet it is lost on many young coaches. Anyone can make a hard workout for your
client, group or team. BUT and this is a
big BUT, is that always the goal? And
are you willing to risk burnout or potential injury so you can tell people how
you shit kicked a bunch of housewives or pre-teen soccer players? Put yourself in the athlete or clients shoes
and have a clear understanding of what the goal(s) of your sessions are
How would empathy play a role in your
programming for a women’s only boot camp, overhead or contact athletes etc…
notes after every session. What went
well, what sucked, who the leaders and cancers were/are, what could have been
better etc.
If you can’t get your message across so that a 5
year old can understand it and an academic or someone that is experienced is
not offended by it, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Educate coaches, parents, athletes etc
If you raise your voice when speaking to groups
it means you are talking over someone or you don’t have the groups attention
There is a time and place to change your
tone-showing emotion, encouraging, in a loud environment etc. If you raise your voice in this setting where
there are no distractions, you are not commanding respect
Silence can be golden when used correctly
Whisper technique for large groups
If you come in looking disheveled, confused,
late or unprepared you will have a tough time rebounding into a good session.
Many team or group sessions are usually done off
site. Being familiar with the
surroundings gives you a leg up on not only being prepared by being
If you are in a gym setting, there are many
variables you may need to contend with (other gym users, space etc)
How can you maximize the space you have while
minimizing distractions? Specifically when working with younger populations
Your understanding of your audience is
imperative. It is tough to program and
individualize for large groups so the better prepared you are the easier it becomes.
We should be able to surmise many of the issues
that we will be confronted with well in advance to any sessions if you follow
up on your due diligence
There is a fine line between being a cheer
leader and energetic. Dependent on the
group(s) you will be working with you will need to change your levels of
Explain “why” without turning it into a 30
minute monologue. The more educated your
clients, coaches and parents are the better
Do the basics well
Keep professionalism on the forefront at all
Disguising Repetition
What is a hip hinge and why does all great
movement start from here?
There are no set rules, only guidelines. Anyone that speaks in absolutes is a
salesman, not a coach
Run, Jump, Throw, Kick, Pass, Shuffle, Balance,
React, FUNdamentals
Finding your center and understanding the
relationship between creating tension in yourself and manipulating it in others
Why do we need to “find our center” for athletic
Key point: Put yourself in the most opportune
position to be successful
The importance of building better athletes not
just better weight lifters
Tennis ball and athletic drills
Weight transfer/shifts
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